So, I've had a night to ruminate on yesterday. It sucked. Everybody knows that. But today feels different. Today I have hope. I know that I'm not done. I'm going to keep on learning, except now it's more like an independent study. I'm home schooling myself. I'm going to try new things, and I'm going to rock them. I'm going to cure meats, make cheese. I can do it, and you know why? Because I believe that I can. I'm not afraid.
That's something I've come to learn, and it's probably the most important lesson in all of cooking. Don't be afraid. Try new things, do something new and different. If someone asks me if I can make something the first thing to come out of my mouth is YES. Well, I don't yell it. That was for emphasis. OK, I yell it sometimes.
I earnestly believe that there is nothing that is impossible for me to cook. I have confidence in myself, and I don't think that it's completely unfounded. Am I the best chef in all the land? Not yet, no. But I have drive, ambition, and a thirst for this life. I may trip; I may fumble; I may even fall flat on my fucking face. I'll get up, brush myself off, and keep on cooking.
That's all that yesterday was. I tripped over my own two feet. Today I'm standing back up. This time I'm making sure that my shoes are tied before I run around the kitchen. I'm learning. I'm becoming a better person. I'm becoming a better chef.
And on a last note, I'm listening to all of the music in my library on my computer and it's on shuffle. It just started playing "For Good" from Wicked. That song was for yesterday. Today, "The Bitch is Back".