Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The girl that sits next to me has leprosy; and, she hates me.

Things one needs to know before reading this post:
1) I go to culinary school.
2) I am very easily unimpressed.
3) I am awesome.

That pretty much sums it up.

So, yesterday was the first day back after non-denominational winter holiday break. I had been looking forward to it for weeks(really since school had let out). I was excited to start new classes, be with my friends, and just learn new things(I'm a big ol' box of tool. Singular, just the one. As in less than two. Anybody? Nobody. Damn.) Here's how the day started: woke up, went back to sleep, woke up freaking out, got ready, left late and almost died on a multitude of occasions because the snow hates me. Seriously, it has plans for my demise.

I get to school, only moments late and the instructor is a douche. To be fair, he wasn't being a douche because I was late, but rather because God hates him, as does the rest of the world. Though I'm not sure that's the cause of said douchiness, or the effect. After barely surviving this class I crawl to financial aid. There had been a few issues over break and I was relieved to find out that things have gotten much, much worse. As of right now I may be owing massive amounts of non-existent money to someone. Whatevs.

At this point(dammit!) I'm thinking to myself that I still have five minutes to get to class. All my classes are in this one, small building. I endeavor to find this classroom and soon realize that it doesn't exist. Fuck. Where am I going? Apparently I'm going to butt fucking Egypt with a layover in the North Pole. I wish that that was even half as fun as it sounds. It's not.

The class in Egypt was fine. As was kitchen. The rest of the day passed swimmingly, though admittedly I did not have high expectations. The drive home went by very well, but I think I fell asleep at one point? I don't know why that was a question, but we'll pretend that my voice went up at the end.

Oh, and the girl with leprosy that I haven't actually mentioned yet, she hates me. She has leprosy. On her face. Therefore her opinion doesn't count. I'm awesome.

1 comment:

  1. At this point, I think you say at this point far too much. Also...yay! Now I can add you to my google reader. And show you how to do fun bloggy stuff, like stalk your readers. haha. I kid. (I don't kid.)
