Thursday, March 4, 2010

Aim for the moon, because even if you miss you'll land in the vacuum of space and die a rather quick, painful death as your blood essentially boils.

Best. Title. Ever. EVER.

I've been in quite the funk for about a week now. It's not like me to be depressed, or even sad in the slightest of ways. I usually go from happy to pissed and skip the doldrums altogether. In fact, my little motto is "I don't do sadness, not even a little bit. I just don't need it in my life. I don't want any part of it.". It's from Spring Awakening, yeah be jealous. I figure the best way to get out of this little rut of a life is to set goals for myself. Nothing too extreme, just things to which if I were to put my mind I could actually achieve.

So here is what I deem a very doable list of things that need doing and/or things that should have been done a long time ago and that I'm finally getting around to doing.
1) Get myself some job.
2) Get myself some car.
3) Stop using the turn of phrase "get myself some" unless I'm actually going to "get myself some".
4) Move out.
5) Lose 50 lbs before I start school back up.
6) Start school back up
7) Broaden my culinary horizons by foraying into the realms of cheese making and meat curing.
8) Go to another country.

I think that that list is reasonable. Si, se puede. Maybe if I feel like I'm accomplishing something I'll feel better. Adapt and overcome. WWGRD? Why do you have so many positive sayings to make you feel better? Why are you speaking in third person all of a sudden? Why are you so damn sexy? Why not, people? Why not?

1 comment:

  1. Stroke.

    Also? Let's make cheese and cure meat together. I really want to do it too. For shizzle. Plus, it is an excuse for you to lay on my floor and let my dog eat your face.

    Lastly, this term sucks giant donkey balls. Just a warning.
